Aculift (Cosmetic Acupuncture)
Aculifting or cosmetic acupuncture is a gentle anti-aging method that consists of placing small, very fine needles on the entire face along with specific body acupoints. This treatment offers several aesthetic and wellness benefits especially for those who want to rejuvenate their skin naturally.
Most of our clients notice a difference in the skin and body almost immediately. Your skin will appear fresh and plump after the first treatment. You will also feel refreshed and relaxed. It is also a powerful treatment for sleep and digestion disorders.
Aculifting activates the skin’s self-regenerative functions and is achieved through regeneration of the connective tissue by activating the fibroblasts and the production of collagen fibres and elastin. In addition, tissue oxygenation is improved thanks to an increase in blood micro-circulation. Two elements that allow your skin to look younger and regain its radiance.
Cosmetic acupuncture is becoming more and more widespread and is an interesting natural alternative to invasive methods such as cosmetic surgery or Botox injections. It delays the ageing of the skin and the formation of wrinkles. It is a preventive and self-healing medicine. It is a treatment for both men and women.
When to start Aculifting?
Aculifting can be carried out as a preventive measure from the age of 30 or when wrinkles and fine lines are already present.
How many sessions are needed for an optimal result?
During the first appointment, from which you will already leave with a healthy glow, you can define with your practitioner the number and frequency of your sessions, according to your personal protocol which will depend on your age, your skin and your expectations.
A treatment is recommended every 1-2 weeks. Regularity guarantees stable results. We recommend a minimum of 4 sessions and ideally 10 sessions for a longer duration.
What results can I expect from facial acupuncture?
The results can be observed from the first session and increase with each passing day. The first effect observed is a healthy glow: the face is instantly brighter.
Secondly, the results are increasingly visible and lasting thanks to the combined action of the following phenomena:
* Activation of the production of elastin and collagen fibers;
* Improvement of blood circulation;
* Stimulation of muscular activity
The benefits and advantages of this anti-ageing method are:
* Enhanced wellness and longevity;
* A more radiant complexion;
* The face is firmer and more toned;
* The skin is more supple and elastic;
* Relaxed muscles;
* Wrinkles and fine lines are reduced;
* Better facial symmetry;
* No injected products such as botox or hyaluronic acid;
* No surgical procedure;
* No anesthesia;
* No allergic risk;
* Very little discomfort.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What should i expect from a cosmetic acupuncture treatment?
The cosmetic acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles in the skin around various acupuncture points on the face , neck and sometimes body following detailed health and wellness assessment. Different acupuncture points are targeted to address systematic issues that may cause premature signs of aging, including stress, poor hydration, lack of sleep, anxiety, poor digestive health, etc.
The treatment is completely painless and relies on the body’s natural healing processes to resolve specific issues. It is important to understand that cosmetic acupuncture is a holistic treatment, which means that your cosmetic acupuncturist may treat one area of the body to resolve issues manifesting in any other part of the body.
Each treatment is completely bespoke and tailored to meet the unique needs of your skin. We carry out in-depth consultation, including a full medical history, before the first treatment, to create a highly personalised treatment program to help you achieve your goals. As the program progresses, we step up the treatments to ensure your skin receives the care it requires at the time.
Are there side effects?
Cosmetic acupuncture is a 100% natural treatment with no side effects. It is safe, effective, and nearly completely painless. Minor bruising may appear in some cases. However, it is not a cause of concern and disappears on its own within a couple of days.
Does it hurt?
Cosmetic acupuncture treatment is virtually painless and very gentle on the skin. We use ultra-fine needles that are specially designed to treat the soft and delicate skin of the face, neck, ears, and other parts of the body.
At most, you may feel a tingling sensation at the needling site. However, it will not last for more than a second. To make your experience more comfortable, we can apply a topical anesthetic cream to numb the area of concern.
Who should avoid cosmetic acupuncture?
While aesthetic acupuncture is a safe and natural process, it is recommended for people with certain health conditions to avoid it. Cosmetic acupuncture is not suitable for individuals who may be suffering from cancer, blood clotting disorders, hemophilia, bruising disorder, epilepsy, or seizures.