Fractional Microneedling with Radiofrequency (FMR)

Fractional RF (Radiofrequency) is an advanced, minimally invasive treatment that uses fine microneedles while applying RF. The micro-needles with RF stimulate the body to naturally produce hyaluronic acid, new collagen and elastin. It is safe and has no downtime.


We can address:

  1. Acne scars
  2. Large, open pores
  3. Fine lines, wrinkles
  4. Oily skin & cystic acne
  5. General redness & rosacea
  6. Skin whitening & volumizing
  7. Dehydrated, dull skin




Skin Tightening

Fractional RF is used to tighten and firm facial contours which become lax & sag as you age. Skin becomes firmer around the jawline, chin and cheeks while lines around the eyes, mouth and forehead are reduced. The result is a more youthful appearance with greater skin elasticity and lift to the face.


Acne Scarring and Stretchmarks

The advanced combination of Radiofrequency & microneedle technology effectively treats acne scarring and stretchmarks. As new collagen is stimulated, the skin becomes healthier, firmer and refined, resulting in a more even skin texture and visible reduction of scars.


Rosacea & Redness

Radiofrequency is used to strengthen the fine capillaries just under the surface of the skin. This dramatically reduces the appearance of general redness and rosacea.


Rejuvenation & Skin Volumizing

Fractional RF creates microchannels in the skin. This controlled thermal damage causes the skin to produce collagen to heal and repair. In turn, renewed collagen plumps & strengthens the skin, reducing the appearance of lines & wrinkles as skin texture & tone are improved.


Sebaceous Acne

The application of RF energy thru microneedles causes the sebaceous glands to shrink and produce less oil. It also reduces the redness that accompanies acne scars.


Open Pores

Fractional RF visibly treats open pores by inducing the skin’s own collagen production. Over 2-5 treatments, open pores are visibly reduced.


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