
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, presenting with thick, inflamed and flaky skin. It is not contagious. Psoriasis could occur on any part of the skin, usually the elbows, knees and back, sometimes affecting the nails, scalp and joints.

In the Philippines, psoriasis is one of the top ten most commonly treated skin diseases. Itching is often experienced in our hot and humid climate.


What is the treatment?

For mild psoriasis – Topical treatment with steroid and Vitamin D analogue will help to reduce the inflammation, thickness and the scales of the psoriatic rash.

For moderate to severe cases – Phototherapy, oral immunosuppressants or biologics can be considered.


Treatments we offer:

1. Topical management

2. Oral immunosuppressant and monitoring

3. Lifestyle counselling

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