Warts / Skin Tags Removal

Warts are benign growths on the skin or mucous membrane which can be removed in a number of ways. The most common of which are using laser or electrocautery. All our skilled dermatologists effectively treat all kinds of warts on the hands, feet, face and body.

Warts can be removed through Electrocautery or Laser Treatment. Both of which are offered by Genilo Dermasolutions.



Electrocautery Wart Removal makes use of light electric currents that apply heat to the surface of the skin to burn away unwanted growths.


How Long Does it Take?

  • A topical anesthetic is applied which takes about 30 to 45 minutes to numb the skin. The procedure can take anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes depending on the number of areas to be treated.
  • Scabs will form over the warts as they heal which takes about 1 to 2 weeks. These scabs should not be picked at because they will fall away on their own in about 5 to 7 days after the treatment.


Laser Wart Removal makes use of a powerful beam of laser to destroy wart tissue. Using laser is more comfortable for the patient and results in faster healing. This type of wart treatment is usually advised for patients with low pain threshold and for large, hard-to-cure warts.


How The Procedure is Done?

  • It works by destroying the blood supply which nourishes the wart. Once a wart has been successfully treated, it is rare that it will return to the exact same area.
  • During the treatment, a topical anesthetic cream will be applied for maximum comfort.
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